Saturday, July 31, 2010
10:11 AM
| Posted by
Si Panda
waa sekarang nih hotmail dah semakin hebat.. cuma interface dia gak besar sikit.. tapi sekarang nih..nak delete sekali banyak.. korang takkan jumpa button delete dah.. apa yang perlu korang buat adalah check semua email yang korang nak delete lepastuh right click.. baru korang jumpa fungsi delete.. nice kan :) hehehe.. memang dah macam window pulak.. bagus ada peningkatan..
selain daripada tuh.. antara mukanya agak besar. senang la korang nak cek apa isi kandungan email tuh.. sesuai untuk mereka yang rabun :p ataupun jenis tak suka tulisan kecil.. apa yang boleh aku katakan adalah hotmail sekarang lebih mesra pengguna.. terdapat fungsi terbaru didalam hotmail iaitu fungsi sweep.. aku tak try lagi.. hehehe..
ok.. itu jer untuk masa nih.. ada apa-apa latest tech news. aku share lagi.. daaaa
Sunday, July 18, 2010
11:08 AM
| Posted by
Si Panda
yo kawan-kawan semua.. kali nih nak share 1 movie berkaitan panda.. hahaha.. ok.. tajuknya macam kat atas nih.. aku pun baru jer download.. belum lagi tengok. so jom tengok ramai-ramai.. link nyer ada kat bawah.. pilih la mana-mana hoster yang korang suka :)
Sunday, July 11, 2010
12:24 PM
| Posted by
Si Panda
picture credit to Google
ok selepas sekian lama aku menyenyapkan diri dari mengupdate blog, harini aku nak share la kot tools yang boleh kita guna untuk menimbang berat blog kita. korang tau tak apa sebab blog kita menjadi berat? ok nak share sikit berdasarkan pengalaman..
1. penggunaan widget yang terlalu banyak
2. penggunaan size gambar yang besar dan berat
3. menggunakan javascript yang di host di tempat lain
4. template tak teratur
5. coding yang terlalu panjang
6. dan lain-lain lagi..
7. pakej internet anda :D
so nak kurangkan berat? senang jer.. buang widget-widget yang kurang perlu seperti widget lagu. kemudian size gambar tuh kalau boleh kecilkan sikit.. buatla dalam size 400x300 atau berapa-berapa pun mengikut kesesuaian. selain daripada itu, javascript tuh kalau nak host diluar, gunala google untuk host javascript anda itu. kemudian, template-template tuh atur la yer.. biar nampak kemas.. jangan berterabur atas bawah.. agak sakit macam tuh.. huhu.. orang yang masuk pun mungkin akan cepat mengeluarkan diri daripada blog tersebut.. :) untuk part coding yang panjang, memang tak boleh nak buat apa la.. coding nih depends kepada developer itu sendiri. yang mana mahir boleh la meringkaskan kalau tak sila compress code anda.. ia dapat mengurangkan berat blog anda..
oleh itu.. sila la timbang berat blog anda disini..
There’s no one like you (No Other)
There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that, where else to look for?
A good person like you, a good person like you, with a good heart like you, a gift as great as you
How lucky that I’m the person who will try his hard to protect you, where else to look for?
A happy guy like me, a happy guy like me, the guy with the happiest smile like me
Your two warm hands gets cold when I’m cold
Your heart that used to be strong becomes sensitive when I’m hurt
Take my hands silently, hold me silently, I’m only wishing for such little comforts
You don’t know my heart that wanted to do more just for you
Call out my heart, free my soul
It always felt like the first time, these remaining days are more than the time that I came to love you
There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that, where else to look for?
A good person like you, a good person like you, with a good heart like you, a gift as great as you
How lucky that I’m the person who will try his hard to protect you, where else to look for?
A happy guy like me, a happy guy like me, the guy with the happiest smile like me
When my greedy heart gradually search to other directions
When my mind can’t handle whenever my greed grow even more
I know all those reasons that clearly says that you’re here, it’s the only one
I’m always thankful. I could do better as you do
Call out my heart, free my soul
It always felt like the first time, these remaining days are more than the time that I came to love you
There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that, where else to look for?
A good person like you, a good person like you, with a good heart like you, a gift as great as you
How lucky that I’m the person who will try his hard to protect you, where else to look for?
A happy guy like me, a happy guy like me, the guy with the happiest smile like me
You know, I’m a little bit shy sometimes, you don’t know but you’re burning like the sun, please understand my feelings
Even those girls that appears on TV shows are sparkling, you’re always be the one in my eyes (I’m going crazy crazy Baby)
Hearing you tell me that you love me, I have everything in this world, You & I, You’re so fine, is there someone like you?
I love you Oh, please know it, to me there’s only you, that I stupidly see you as my everything
We arrived on the same road, we’re just the same, how surprising, how grateful, it’s love
There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that, where else to look for?
A good person like you, a good person like you, with a good heart like you, a gift as great as you
How lucky that I’m the person who will try his hard to protect you, where else to look for?
A happy guy like me, a happy guy like me, the guy with the happiest smile like me